Take Control of Absenteeism with the CCTC Toolkit

Absenteeism is a barometer of your workplace’s health. And like any key performance indicator, it deserves the same level of attention as production targets or bottom line. Built on lean methodology and best practice, the CCTC Toolkit is a practical manual to help firms turn absenteeism from an unavoidable expense into a manageable reality. 

The bigger picture: In Cape Town’s clothing manufacturing sector alone, absenteeism costs firms R560m a year. Given its direct link to competitiveness, the CCTC launched a 7-month competitiveness improvement programme with 14 CCTC members to identify root causes and co-develop a management framework to tackle the issue head-on. 

Over 7 months, the average absenteeism rate across the participating firms reduced by 11.4%, equating to 1.2 million production minutes recovered and R1.1 million in costs saved. The CCTC Toolkit distils the lessons learned during the programme into an actionable framework that works for any firm, in any industry. 

What’s in the toolkit? The toolkit covers procedures that are strategic, operational, process-oriented and people-focused. These include: 

  • Data measurement and visual performance management 
  • Return-to-work interviews and process management 
  • Incapacity counselling  
  • Communication strategies 
  • Winter illness prevention  
  • Incentive schemes  
  • Information for existing resources and organisations 

Ultimately, absenteeism requires committed top-down leadership that allocates resources towards management and organisational clarity through SOPs. The best firms do not command HR to solve absenteeism alone – they upskill and train frontline leaders to cross-collaborate and be part of the solution.